Opportunity for Self Understanding!! 07437 514856 email: osulifecoach@outlook.com
Opportunity for Self Understanding!! 07437 514856 email: osulifecoach@outlook.com
We will not sell or share your email address, telephone number, name, mailing address or any other personal and non-public information with any other person, telemarketer or marketing agency.
Since you can browse our website and remain totally anonymous we will only call or email you if you want information from us and volunteer to offer your contact information to us.
Your satisfaction in any consultation and including a resulting consultation into a transaction is very important to us.
We aim only to build our business if you tell your friends, acquaintances and family about our services and will not at anytime try to sell our services to you.
We will not collect public or non-public personal information about you from sources.
Information we received from you on the contact, applications or other forms, such as your name, number and email address will not be shared or sold with anyone.
Any conversation verbal or written will be in the strictest of confidence.
All information will be erased once the relationship or communication has ended.
Our Privacy policy conforms with current General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and if you require more information regarding GDPR it can be found on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website www.ico.org.uk